About Us

Our mission is to bring Gods love to dark places and find ways to practically help people in need and we’d love you to partner with us.

We are a family of 6 from Tauranga, New Zealand living in Mexico and working as missionaries for the last 3+ years.

We are currently working alongside two local ministries in community development and support.

Specifically helping with resourcing and development of families in impoverished areas.

We homeschool our 4 kids who range in age from 6-17 years old and seek to give them a love of travel, people, serving and most of all God.

We believe Jesus’ ministry was a mix of meeting practical and spiritual needs and is a great model for us all to follow.

We would love you to follow our journey and pray for us as we blog about the ins and outs of living in Mexico and reach out to the poor and needy with love and practical help.

For up to date news and prayer requests you can follow our Facebook page: Drenched With Grace

Our Family

Our mission is to bring Gods love to dark places and find ways to practically help people in need and we’d love you to partner with us.

Hi, we are a home-schooling family of 6 from Tauranga, New Zealand.
Dad Mike, Mum Sarah, and kids: Michal F17y, Ezekiel M15y, Elisha F14yand Judah M5y.

Mike has been involved with YWAM and King’s Kids as a teenager and has had missions on his heart for many years.

Sarah took a bit longer and jumped on board with the idea while helping as a leader on a Youth group trip to Cambodia 7 years ago.

We felt the San Diego/Mexico area was where God wanted us to be and after knocking on a few doors that didn’t open we made the connection with Coastline church in Carlsbad, North County, San Diego.

We had the opportunity to travel to America for 3 weeks at the end of 2015 and meet the leadership team from Coastline church and meet the team and kids from the Orphanage they run in Tijuana called Niños de Fe (Children of Faith).

Upon our return to New Zealand we were offered the voluntary position of Campus Pastors of Coastline Baja, Mexico which we would be starting upon our arrival.

1 year later we arrived in Mexico.

Although we initially moved to Mexico to work alongside an orphanage and plant a church, actually moving here has seen those plans change for varying reasons. When things didn’t work out as planned we waited on God to provide as we knew we are where He wants us to be.

We can now see Gods sovereign hand of protection in every circumstance.

We worked in orphanage support for 2 years with a ministry called LifeChange.

In 2019 we felt God leading away from orphanage support and to focus more on working with communities.

We now partner with a handful of ministries in Community support and development.

We came here with one plan, but God had another and we continue to walk forwards trusting Him.

We would love you to follow our journey and pray for us as we blog about the ins and outs of living in Mexico and reach out to the poor and needy with love and practical help.

For up to date news and prayer requests you can follow our Facebook page: Drenched With Grace

And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

Matthew 28:19-20

Ministry Partners

We have partnered with a number of other Missionaries, Ministries, and Organisations here in the Tijuana/Rosarito area, and work alongside them to bring the love of Jesus and practical support in whatever ways we are able. Here are the main ones we have partnered with:

Missionary Mums group

We felt strongly when we returned from sabbatical in NZ that God wanted us to have an aspect to our ministry that was to support other missionaries. Missionary life can be very lonely, either due to busyness or isolation.
This group was started out of that. To be a place a support, friendship and collaboration.

Hearts of Baja

Every month we buy groceries funded by Hearts of Baja and drop them off at a local orphanage. We also separately fund-raise in order to be able to take fruit and vegetables as well.
Fruit and veges are a rare treat when money is so tight as it is for many orphanages here.

Niños de Fe / Baja Dream Center.

We partner with the Niños de Fe children’s home and Baja Dream Center in a new ministry, started early last year in order to minister to a specific community in Tijuana. They run life skills classes each week focused on biblical principles.
We help by bringing donations for the families in the community, teaching free English classes to the kids, and helping with whatever is needed in regards to community support.

Baja Christian Ministries

We started working with Baja Christian Ministries (BCM) at the end of last year.
BCM are house building and outreach ministry which builds 100 houses for impoverished families every year. They also run the Purple Book discipleship program all across Mexico.
We will be involved in administration, organising and hosting missions teams, leading interns, communication and social media, and working on specific community projects.

Project Little Child

Project Little Child is a ministry of BCM.
It is a free daycare based in a community church for impoverished solo mums to have a place to safely leave their children so they can earn an income.
Sarah serves on the advisory board as well as doing administration and both of us do on the ground projects and outreaches with them.
We hope this will be the pilot daycare of many to come.

Hope Chapel Rosarito

Hope Chapel Rosarito is the local church we attend here in Mexico.
For more than 4 years they have been going to the border river zone twice a month and feeding and ministering to the homeless and deported people.
Sarah and Kiel (our eldest son) have found great joy in joining this ministry to help with the first aid table doing mostly wound cleaning and infection care.


Partner With Us

We are looking for people to partner with us for long-term support of our home and ministry expenses while living in Mexico. This can be done through one of our bank accounts, or with PayPal.
Any amount large or small is so appreciated and we pray God will bless you abundantly as you have blessed us.
We truly believe that as you support us in the missions work that God has called us to that you share in the blessing also.

One-Time Donation

If you’d like to make a one-time donation, you can do so using the Giving Details below. Please let us know if you’d like this used for a specific project, or to go towards our general fund.

Giving Details

We have accounts available to receive donations in a number of countries/currencies. We would prefer donations were made direct into one of these accounts, as PayPal charges fees. Donations in other currencies are better through TransferWise or PayPal as our bank charges bigger fees for international transfers.

New Zealand:
Account Holder: M & S Louwrens
Account Number: 06-0433-0238073-07
Account Holder: Michael Louwrens
Account Number: 200564013
BSB Code: 774-001
United States:
Please donate through our partnership with Commission Ministers Network
Mike & Sarah Louwrens at Commission Ministers Network
Donate online from our Donate page (Credit card or bank transfer)
Or send a check made out to “Commission Ministers Network” with our name “Mike & Sarah Louwrens” on the memo line, and send to
Commission Ministers Network
P.O. Box 291002
Kerrville, TX 78029-1002
United Kingdom:
Account Holder: Michael Louwrens
Account Number: 88046632
IBAN (to receive GBP from UK only): GB53 TRWI 2314 7088 0466 32
UK Sort Code: 23-14-70
Account Holder: Michael Louwrens
IBAN (to receive EUR from the EU only): BE72 9670 3986 2316
To maximise the donations we can receive, please consider using the TransferWise service to send funds to us, as the fees are lower than using PayPal. Set up TransferWise to use our NZ bank account 06-0433-0238073-07 and our email ourmexicanadventure@outlook.co.nz
If TransferWise is not an option, you can donate to use through PayPal using our PayPal.me link – PayPal.me/Midavalo
If you need additional info to make a donation or need help in setting up TransferWise, please feel free to contact us

Please Note

If you intend to set up an automatic payment to help with our living costs please write in the notes how long you intend to keep that going for, this would help immensely for budgeting purposes in the future. Its just an indication, not a commitment, we understand circumstances and situations change.

But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.

Acts 20:24 (NLT)



Some days it feels really weird to have left our hearts in Mexico. We visited Mexico in October last year, only for a day, but it was enough for us to fall in love! We live here in New Zealand, going through the motions of wrapping up our life here for the foreseeable future, and …