Trusting God

This week started out a little rough, checking the Givealittle page daily (ok, more like hourly), checking my email multiple times a day, I got to the point of feeling quite frantic and I really felt God speaking to me about relaxing and trusting him more.

I had a great conversation this week with some homeschool friends who are experienced missionaries. They told me in their experience that the budget never balances, and that if we wait until it does we might be waiting forever, but God has always come through with whatever they needed in time, Hes never let them down.

It really boosted my faith and gave me the confidence to just relax and let God take care of it. Whether its visas, or planning or fundraising, He is well able to handle it all.

Yes I know this and I ‘m sure you do to, but in the midst of the struggle its easy to forget.

So a quick update:

We’ve been told by two different visa consultant companies that our requests are too specialized and they are unable to help so we will have to deal with the embassies direct. We’ll get that process started this coming week.

Funnily enough, after a week of watching the fundraising account not move, once I relaxed and stopped checking it, it more than tripled this week. Our total raised so far is $2102 towards relocation costs and $400 a month committed to ongoing support.

Thank you again to everyone that’s given financially this week or said a word of encouragement that’s kept us going (Mike had a particularly lovely conversation with someone at work this week) or has prayed for us.

You are all a part of our journey and we appreciate you all so much.

Photos are from our trip to Mexico, they show the huge divide between the rich and the poor in Tijuana and the surrounding area. Often these properties can be right next door to each other.


Thanks so much to those who have signed up to follow our Facebook page and/or signed up for emails.

Also thank you again to those that have generously donated, we are currently trying to work out a way to give people a visual of the amount we need to raise that we can update regularly as funds come in.

This week we raised $530!! Thank you so much!!

This week we also finished off our budget for relocation and living costs so we know what our targets are and we have had a few rather frustrating conversations with a couple of different visa consultants, none of whom seem to know what kind of visas we actually need. But we’ll keep trucking on and pushing forward.

We’ve been told due to safety concerns that we will be unable to post pictures or very many details of the Coastline childrens home kids online, if you would like to specifically discuss the work we’ll be doing with them and our experience meeting them then please message us through our facebook page Our Mexican Adventure

Please continue to pray for us, we need it so very much now and in the future.

Patience, Faith and Self-Control

Patience, Faith and Self control are the 3 current themes of my life.

Patience – Nothing happens in our timing. If it was up to us we would have been in Mexico 2 years ago but Gods timing is perfect and we trust that he sees the big picture.

Faith – At times the journey set before us seems so huge that its overwhelming. Then I am reminded, all it requires is for us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. To allow God to be God and give him the burden of the impossible.

Self Control – You have no idea how many times a week the thought “Don’t be the crazy person”, goes through my head when I’m waiting for people to contact us back. To have the self control not to ring them again, email again, or ask again. Just be patient (oh theres that patience thing again:) Look cool, calm and collected even though on the inside I might be anything but.

I’m learning that chasing our dream doesn’t require me to have it all together. People have called us brave and courageous, I don’t think so. We are just a man and a woman in love with Jesus enough that we’ll follow wherever He asks.

Whether it looks brave or stupid to others doesn’t come into it.

Our right hand Gal!

We are so excited to announce that our good friend Esther Turner has agreed to come with us as our right hand gal.

She’ll be helping in a volunteer capacity with kids, schooling, housework, community work, church work and anything else we can find her to do.

It will be a huge relief for us to know our kids are in capable hands and have an extra pair of eyes on them when we are out and about.

Esther has just finished 4 years at university  studying design and textiles and has experience in running kids church and small groups for teens and preteens.

We have always been impressed with her attitude for life and love for God.

You can help support her fundraising efforts here:

Esther Turner- 12-3217-0042301-52