Patience, Faith and Self-Control

Patience, Faith and Self control are the 3 current themes of my life.

Patience – Nothing happens in our timing. If it was up to us we would have been in Mexico 2 years ago but Gods timing is perfect and we trust that he sees the big picture.

Faith – At times the journey set before us seems so huge that its overwhelming. Then I am reminded, all it requires is for us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. To allow God to be God and give him the burden of the impossible.

Self Control – You have no idea how many times a week the thought “Don’t be the crazy person”, goes through my head when I’m waiting for people to contact us back. To have the self control not to ring them again, email again, or ask again. Just be patient (oh theres that patience thing again:) Look cool, calm and collected even though on the inside I might be anything but.

I’m learning that chasing our dream doesn’t require me to have it all together. People have called us brave and courageous, I don’t think so. We are just a man and a woman in love with Jesus enough that we’ll follow wherever He asks.

Whether it looks brave or stupid to others doesn’t come into it.

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