God’s Unfathomable Love

Our Father in heaven loves us more than we can fathom, and nothing we do could make him love us more or less!

When you seriously sit down and think about that its mind blowing.

No matter how much I mess up He will not love me less but also no matter how much I do right/well/good, He can’t love me more. I can’t buy his affection with discipline. He will not love me more based on how many quiet times I’ve had this week ( or whatever other standard I hold myself to in order to feel like a good christian).

For me that totally moves the emphasis from ticking the box to say that I’ve done my prescribed reading and prayer today to actually seeking after Him, chasing Him to gain relationship and intimacy rather than that feel good feeling of having done the “right” thing.

Spiritual discipline is for your benefit, not Gods, because through getting to know His character through His word and sitting and listening to His voice, we have the opportunity to get to know the maker of the universe. What could be more exciting than that!

UPDATE: We had a car boot sale last weekend that raised another $80 towards our relocation fund which brings our total to just over $2350. This means we have about 3 months to raise another $7000 to be able to stick to our timeline of leaving in October. Mikes boss has asked for 3 months notice to e able to find a suitable replacement and have time for Mike to train them, this means we need to have flights and visas all booked and paid for 3 months before we are due to leave.

So 3 months, over $7000, we clearly need a miracle! Thankfully we know the maker of the universe and miracles are his business!

We’ve also had some more monthly support pledged towards our living costs and several suitcases donated.

We are so so thankful to everyone who has given, please remember that every amount big or small adds up and makes a difference.

PRAYER: We have a week of a lot of emails to write, please continue to pray that these will find the right people to help us with advice and planning in many different areas.

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